Help Manual
Department of Revenue
Gov. of Madhya Pradesh
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Geo-rectified Khasra map is in the public domain and citation of the source is appreciated.
Geo-rectified Khasra/Cadastral map information is supposed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. Any errors or omissions should be reported to MPSeDC through
The Khasra map having the attributes such as Khasra_ID, Village_ID & Name, Bhucode, Tehsil_code & Name and District_code & Name.
To download the Khasra map user need to pay Rs. 5100* per village through MP Online gateway.
Scale of the geo-rectified khasra map is 1:4000.
The Khasra map is in .shp file format with Geographic projection.
User should be able to download only villages of one district in a day.
Site best viewed in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10+, Google Chrome v60, Firefox v60 or above in 1024x768 resolution.