The Madhya Pradesh State Spatial Data Infrastructure (MPSSDI) program envisages implementation Read More | Developed a web based system to search, view and download geo-refrenced digital khasra maps Click Here

Project under the department of Madhya Pradesh Water Resource Department (MPWRD)

Water Resources Department is one of the major establishments of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. The field of Operations of Water Resources Department is responsible for the creation and maintenance of irrigation potential through the construction of water resources projects.

Decision makers and planners requires more accurate information which can be visualize and analyse to put together many layers to identify the problematic/non irrigated areas. MAP_IT provided a reliable information base which is necessary, it can identify the irrigable and non-irrigable areas, resources available, construction site, limitations, etc. Spatial data layers were assembled from numerous sources to assemble and deliver GIS databases which has potential to both store and processing the data like multiple analysis, evaluation of different scenarios etc. as per requirements.

With the help of this DSS User can easily visualize various layers on satellite imager/OSM like River Basins/Sub-basins, Rainfall data, WRD existing projects, Wells, WRD GD sites, CWC GD sites, Railway Line, Isohyets, Waterbodies (River, Nala, Ponds/Reservoir), Submergence area of dam, Human Habitation, Canal, Soil, Forest boundaries etc. In this DSS user can easily apply various tools to find out solution of several queries like buffering, search villages, search by co-ordinates, mapping of point assets like dam etc., mapping of line assets like canal etc., district area falls under selected basins etc., Catchment of GD sites, Thiessen polygon for hydrological calculations and Measurement etc.

The module is continuously updating and, in future user can also find out Submergence of already built up dams (FRL) which will give much information about the activities going on in that area, illegal settlements, illegal agriculture activities etc.

Project Ongoing

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